The Influence of Economic Growth, BI Rate, and Inflation and the Impact on Direct Foreign Investment in Indonesia in 2010-2017


Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a long-term investment for developing countries. FDI is very helpful for Indonesia in economic development. Increased foreign investment can directly improve the living standards of Indonesian people. Foreign investment can make a company capable of controlling international business operations and increase more profits. Whereas indirect foreign investment in the form of portfolio investment in the form of investments in financial assets such as stocks and bonds.Foreign Investment (PMA) during the study period has a minimum value of 7.13 and a maximum value of 9.44. Then obtained the mean or average value of 8.4341 and obtained the standard deviation value of 74765. Judging from the standard deviation that has the highest value is the SBI, which is 1.05446, this shows that SBI is more varied than other data. And the standard deviation that has the lowest value is GDP, which is 0.24816, this shows that GDP is homogeneous compared to others. Based on the calculation F Test is the Fcount value is 364,546. While the Ftable value is 2.92. Means that the Fcount value is 364,546> Ftable 2,92. Then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on a significance value of 0,000 smaller than 0.05. This shows that Gross Domestic Product, BIinterstrate, and Inflation have a significant effect on FDI simultaneously.



Keywords: Foreign direct investment, economic development,value

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