Econometry Model of the Impact of Macroprudential Policy on Poverty in Indonesia


This study is about the econometric model of the influence of macroprudential policy through control of the Net Performance Loan and BPR Assets on Poverty in the balance of the goods market and money market involving the variable growth in Gross domestic product Regional Per capita, Regional Minimum Wages and Gini Ratio. Using the Regression model with panel data for 33 provinces from 2014-2016 in Indonesia. The results of the study reveal macroprudential policies through the control of Net Performance Loans will increase poverty, while macroprudential policies on BPR asset control will reduce poverty. The policy of increasing Regional Minimum Wages and regional economic growth will reduce poverty, but the increase in inequality in income distribution results in an increase in poverty



Keywords: Poverty, gini ratio, Provincial Minimum Wages, Asset of Rural Banks, Net Performing Loans, economic regional growth, macroprudential policy

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