Customer-based Brand Equity in Digital Age: A Conceptual Approach


Although there has been a lot of research done to understand how to create a corporate brand that can generate profits for the company, there are still few studies that examine how brand equity is created and measured in the digital era full of internet. This study aims to broaden the conceptual framework regarding existing consumer-based brand equity by combining several constructs from a cognitive perspective and also conceptual perspective on brand equity and implementing them in online-based companies in the current digital era. Methode Spoken in research this is method descriptive, with collecting data used is with use conceptual review that later on reference theory gained will made as foundation basic in get results research. Results of reserch put forward that in equity brand based on consumers in the digital age need to be it is modification of the model from the equity model brand traditional with add online elements like manufacture and website enhancement and more emphasize on trust consumers. Implications from this research, that must it is attention more big about how company create the brand equity on companies online-based, so brand permanent will become the main capital companies that can create great value to company.



Keywords: Brand Equity, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, e-Commerce, Digital Age

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