Implementation of Zakat Village Index (Survey in Binangun Village, Pataruman Sub District, Banjar City)


This research is based on the problem of less precisely the target and empowerment programs conducted by zakat management institutions both LAZ and BAZ. This study aims to build a conceptual model to describe and measure the condition of a village in order to be eligible to be empowered as a zakat village using the Zakat Village Index (IDZ). This study uses primary data and secondary data from village side and by interview through village apparatus and direct observation to the field by visiting RT and RW so the research is a descriptive quantitative research. There are five variables measured in this study, they are economic, health, education, social humanitarian and da’wah variables. The research was conducted in Binangun Village, Pataruman Sub District, Banjar City. The calculation result of Zakat Village Index (IDZ) indicates that Binangun Village is included in good condition and can be considered to be empowered using zakat fund. Variables that have the lowest IDZ value are economic and health variables. For the zakat institution that will empower the Binangun Village, can be more focused on the two variables. Then for zakat management institution should use Zakat Village Index instrument (IDZ) to determine the target of the program and to know the requirement of society exactly so that program of channeling of zakat fund can be done effectively and efficiently.



Keywords: Community welfare, empowerment, Zakat Village Index

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