Islamic Fairness Concept Implementation in Business Perspective of Az-Zaitun I Surabaya Sharia Market Trade


The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the concept of Islamic fairness in business by traders of the Az-Zaitun I Surabaya Sharia Market. This research uses qualitative approach with a descriptive case study strategy. The primary data obtained using purposive sampling through interviews. Participatory observation also conducted to the traders. Secondary data are obtained from textbooks, scientific journals, and online articles that are relevant to this research. Then, triangulation conducted and analyzed to get the conclusion. The result of this study shows that the traders of the Az-Zaitun I Surabaya Sharia Market apply all of the fair concept according to the three meanings of fairness, namely equal, proportional, and divine orientation. The conclusion is, even though it doesn’t have a market supervisor, The Az-Zaitun I Surabaya Sharia Market has applied the three meanings of Islamic fairness, namely equal, proportional, and divine orientation.



Keywords: Islamic Fairness, Equal, Proportional, and Divine Orientation.

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