The Role of Gold Dinar And Silver Dirham User Entrepreneurship Community in Dinar-Dirham Replacement Equipment As a Medium of Exchange


The issue of going back to use gold dinar and silver dirham as currency has become warmly discussion since the ASEAN currency depreciation crisis in 1997/998 and the global economic crisis going on nowadays. Until now, there is still no one ideal mechanism implemented globally the use of gold dinar and silver dirham. Even has still not implemented globally yet but there are efforts for some of communities to implemented them in daily life, transaction, like the community of the entrepreneurs community of dinar dirham users. The question arose: will gold dinar and silver dirham can be used back as mediumof exchange in current economy? So, this study aims to examine the role of the entrepreneurs community of dinar-dirham users in effort implementation of dinar dirham as medium of exchange. This is quantitative study going by the strategy of the field research and by using the variables, economic aspects and religious aspects. This study also used library research approach. The result of this research with purposive sampling method at user community gold dinars and silver dirhams as medium of exchange effort religion aspects is dominant factor than economical factor and the research shows that the role of the entrepreneurs community of dinar dirham users in effort implementation of them as currency are quite suitable, because of inadequate awareness reforms and lack political will (consensus from other nations to use gold dinar and silver dirham as money) and the ignorance of people about the function of gold dinar and silver dirham as medium of Exchange.



Keywords: Gold dinar, Silver dirham, Entrepreneurs Community of Dinar Dirham Users, Economic Crisis

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