Customer Preferences in Selecting the Pawn Transaction in Pegadaian Syariah Padasuka


Pawn is believed to provide many benefits for people in need of quick funds, however the growing phenomenon is that the image of sharia pawnshops is not quite good because the society considers that sharia pawnshops is identical with the poor society, thus affecting the public preferences in choosing the pawn transaction in sharia pawnshops. This study aims to examine the influence of the price factor, location factor, and sharia factor towards customer preferences in selecting a pawn transactions in sharia pawnshops. The population in this study are customers of the Branch Office of Sharia pawnshops at Padasuka with its sample is 86 respondents. The technique used in this study is purposive sampling. This study also used survey method with explanatory approach. The method is quantitative with causality design. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results of this study with a confidence level of 95%, is that simultaneously price factor, location factor, and sharia factor are positive and have significantly impact on customer preferences by contributing 41.2% presentation. Partially, factor price and location are factors that positively and significantly influence to customer’s preferences, while the dominant influence is the price. Meanwile, the sharia factor does not affect the customer’s preferences due to the reasons that customers do pawn transaction is to fulfill their urgent needs, so that the principles of sharia not be a matter that should be considered.



Keywords: Price, Location, Sharia, Customer preference

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