Externalities in Water Santri Sidogiri Natural Resources Perspective Islamic Economy


The purpose of this research is to know Pupils externalities on drinking water company, Sidogiri roomates-reviewed by Islamic economic resources. Externalities are Analyzed include positive externalities and negative externalities. Then, researcher will conduct a discussion with Islamic perspective to find out the way of externalities could happen on research object. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive case studies strategy. The object of this research is the factory of bottled drinking water Rasta, Sidogiri. This research uses interviews to six informants consisting of leadership of the PT. Sidogiri Mandiri Utama, play production manager of PT Sidogiri Mandiri Utama, and the surrounding people as a tool for getting information. After done interviews, research results will be Analyzed by triangulation to get a conclusion.The roomates results of this research conducted by observation and interviews to six informants is finding of positive externalities’s domination on the economic and social fields while maintaining the balance of nature in comparison with negative externalities.



Keywords: Externalities, Externalities Positive, Negative Externalities, and Islamic Economic Resources.

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