Development of Android-Based Elin Game As Learning Media for Industrial Electronics


Lab Learning on Electronics Industry is a must course. This is necessary for students so they have good skills. Lab Learning need practice equipment that enough to fit the quantities of students. But in fact the quantities of material and practice equipment are not being sufficient. In addition, there is no learning media that can support the courses. This study aims to develop lab learning media with technology based on game with android-base that can help the students to understand the lab course everywhere, all the time. This study using Research and Development Method (RnD) with Model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). This study is done through six stage that is: 1. Concept; 2) Design; 3) Collection of material; 4) Assembly; 5) Testing; and 6) Distribution. The evaluation process feasibility learning media done by granting the survey to Media Experts, Lecture experts, and respondents trial use. Based on the assessment field test by students for Industrial Electronics they can get 88.27% counted as very good. Android-Based Elin Game as Learning Media in Industrial Electronics is very reasonable and effective for teaching.



Keywords: Game, Android, Learning Media, Industrial Electronics, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC).

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