Implementation of Integrated Quality in the Manado State Politechnic Tourism Department


This study aims to identify and analyze the implementation of integrated quality management in the Department of Tourism Politeknik Negeri Manado. Integrated Quality Management (MMT) is a quality control system based on the philosophy that meeting the needs of the customers is the main concern in every business. To meet every employee who is involved in the education, motivation, attitude, willingness and dedication are the most important parts of the work culture. In this study, the main instrument is the researchers themselves, as a means of collecting data. Researchers directly observe, ask, track, understand and analyze everything that happens on location. The planning process has involved all the components and stakeholders and this planning has been poured into the quality objectives of the department that are temporarily implemented by the department’s leaders. Management integrated quality in the tourism department has been accomplished in accordance with the joint commitment of Manado State Polytechnic level and by running the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Integrated quality management on affairs encounters various obstacles. Obstacles that occur among which are labor management that has not been maximal, inadequate facilities and infrastructure as well as human resources that have not contributed optimally. Alternative solutions to the obstacles have been pursued by the head of department.



Keywords: Integrated Quality, Management, Education

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