Development of Electronic Learning Design 3 Vocational Education Program in Electronics Engineering Jakarta State University


This research is a type of Research and Development (R & D) research which aims to develop learning design in Electronics 3 courses in Vocational Education in Electronic Engineering, Jakarta State University. The research method used in this study is to adopt the ADDIE instructional design model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). The learning design development phase includes: (1) Analysis phase; (2) Design stage; (3) Production stage; (4) Trial stage and (5) Evaluation stage. Data collection methods in this study include testing the feasibility of material content by 2 material experts, the feasibility of constructing media by 1 media expert as well as the feasibility test of use for 5th semester students of Vocational Education in Electronic Engineering Jakarta State University by giving questionnaires to these three aspects. Data analysis techniques using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate the percentage of the feasibility of developing learning design was 91.5% for content eligibility of material experts, 83.40% for the feasibility of media constructs from media experts, and 86.4% for the results of trial use of students. Of the three results, the development of learning design falls into the very feasible category to be used as an electronic learning design 3 in Electronic Engineering Vocational Education, Jakarta State University. The results of data analysis state that (1) Electronics 3 learning design can improve learning outcomes; (2) students have satisfaction when implementing this learning design. The findings of this study are to produce a comprehensive learning design in accordance with the objectives of Electronics learning 3.



Keywords: instructional design, ADDIE, electronics 3.

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