The Innovation of Purple Sweet Potato Noodle Processing (Test of Sensory Quality Analysis)


The purple sweet potatoes as local food ingredients can be used optimally for national food availability by improving the quality of purple sweet potato noodle products using the right formulations is the goal of this study. The purple sweet potato noodles were tested through sensory quality by expert panelists including color, taste, flavor, and elasticity. The substitution of wheat flour with 30, 40, and 50% of purple sweet potatoes is still considered good quality for purple sweet potato noodles. Hypothesis test results using the Kruskal–Wallis test at a significance level of α 0.05 proved that purple sweet potato noodle with a 40% substitution was the best formulation. The implication of processing purple sweet potato noodles is to reduce the dependence on imported food ingredients such as wheat flour because it is expected that some of the food ingredients used can be replaced by local food sources such as purple sweet potatoes.



Keywords: noodles, purple sweet potato, sensory quality

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