The Influence of Combination of Castor Oil with Aquades on Increasing Moisture over a Dry Skin


The aim of the research is to determine the combination of castor oil and aquades to increase moisture over a dry skin. Part of the skin chosen for the research is face, elbow, and heel. The sample was taken through experiment method of purposive sampling. Total sample that have been classified is 15: 5 samples use combination of castor oil with aquades 15%, 5 samples use the combination of castor oil with aquades 10%, and 5 samples use the combination of castor oil with aquades 5%. Results show that the castor oil with aquades 15% increases the value of 0.246 which means data is normal, and in castor oil with aquades 10%, there was a rise in the value of the mean 0.279 data is normal and castor oil with aquades 5%, there was a rise in the value of the 0.254 means data is normal. On the test of the hypothesis means the data H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. This means that there is an influence on the use of castor oil with aquades against moisture results dry skin. So the results of the study showed that there was a score of increasing moisture content of dry skin by using a mixture of castor oil with aquades. It is known that castor oil contains high fat of linoleic acid and aquades that has neutral properties so that the mixture of castor oil with aquades still contains high oil.



Keywords: moisturize, dry skin, face, elbow, heel, castor oil, aquades