The Use of Production-based Learning Models to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in the Study of Carving Working Techniques on Skill Competence


This research was carried out in two cycles. Data were obtained through observations using observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. The results of the study show an increase in learning outcomes at the end of the cycle. From cycle I which reached the classical completeness 36.67% increased to 90.32%. The results of observations on the activities of students’ activities during the learning process also showed an increase of 60.27 scores in the first cycle with the category quite active and 97 at the second meeting or cycle with a very high category. For the observation activities, teacher activities in cycle I became 67 with the category of ckup and in the second cycle it increased by a very high category with a score of 99. This proves that the production-based learning model can improve learning outcomes.



Keywords: production-based learning, learning outcomes, carving work techniques

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