Analysis Validity and Reliability As an Instrument to Measure the Self-Academic Concept in a College Student of Cosmetology of Engineering Faculty, State University of Jakarta


This study discusses the validity and reliability of the self-concept academic research. There is one modified instrument, Academic Self-Concept Scale (ASCS). This study involved respondents who were entirely female. The self-academic concept is important to be known because it is the determinant factor of students in their academic ability. High- or low-profile concept of student academic associated with achievements will be achieved. The questionnaire tested in the study can be used to determine the student’s academic self-concept measurement model. This research aims to generate empirical validity and reliability using the Rasch Model. The study was conducted on 100 college students of the Cosmetology Studies, Engineering Faculty, State University of Jakarta. Reliability value is based on Cronbach Alpha for a questionnaire that is at a table of 0.618 and it can be concluded that the questionnaire is valid because of the ≥ 0.5. Meanwhile, items that are less reliable have value below 20 items.



Keywords: validity, reliability, measurement of academic self-concept

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