The Effectiveness of Using Interactive CD Media on Continental Cake Processing to Improve Learning Outcomes of Course Participants in Culinary


This study analyzes the effectiveness of using interactive CD media on continental cake processing to improve learning outcomes of course participants in culinary. The research was carried out at Pusat Pelatihan Kerja Daerah (PPKD) of Vocational Training Center majoring in culinary art consisting of South Jakarta, East Jakarta, West Jakarta, and Central Jakarta. The research used was quasi-experimental. Improved learning outcomes before and after using interactive CD media on continental cake processing of course participants obtained of 0.769 and categorized as high. Improved learning outcomes in the control group using handout media obtained 0.649 and categorized as a medium. Effectiveness testing applied by handout media in the control group of the course participants’ showed the post-test value of 70% and categorized as ineffective scale. Effectiveness testing applied by interactive CD media and videos in the experimental group of the course participants showed the post-test value of 85% and categorized as effective scale. F-test analysis showed the value of 5.513, while the Ftable value is 2.27. Then F-count > F-table, Ho is rejected. It means that there are differences in group learning outcomes using conventional learning media and interactive CD. In conclusion, the learning continental cake processing using interactive CD is more effective than handout media.



Keywords: effectiveness, implementation, interactive CD media, continental cake processing, improvement, learning outcomes, course participant, culinary art

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