The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management on Employee Engagement (A Study at Tirta Komodo Regional Water Company, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)


Objective: The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management on employee engagement in Tirta Komodo Regional Water Company (PDAM), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach: The data collection in this research was conducted through closed questionnaires consisting of 40 statement items. The sampling was done using proportionate random sampling. The number of samples was 120 employees at the Head Office of Tirta Komodo Regional Water Company NTT. Data analysis techniques applied multiple regression. Research Findings: Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis on respondents’ answer, it can be found out that: (1) Conclusion of this research shows the effectiveness level of implementation of social responsibility and talent management program and its positive and significant effect to increase employee attachment. Limitations of the Research: The data collection process in this research is representative only because it is located at the Tirta Komodo Regional Water Company headquarter of East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, not doing research at all branches in the areas spreading throughout East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. Value: This research provides contribution to the development of a conceptual model that describes Corporate Social Responsibility, Talent Management, and Employee Engagement.



Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Talent Management, Employee engagement

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