Determination of School Culture and Motivation on Learning Tourism Achievement


This study aims to determine the determination of school culture and achievement motivation on tourism learning achievement. This study is an ‘ex-post facto’ study with a sample size of 133 people. Data collection tool is a questionnaire and an observation sheet; data analysis was done with simple regression, multiple regression, and partial correlation. The results showed that: (1) there was a significant determination between school culture on learning achievement of Tourism with correlation coefficient of 0.205 and effective contribution of 7.24%; (2) there was a significant determinant between the learning discipline on the learning achievement of Tourism with a correlation coefficient of 0.320 and effective contribution of 11.28%; (3) there is a significant determination between achievement motivation to the learning achievement of Tourism with a correlation coefficient of 0.304 and effective contribution of 10.57%; and (4) together, there is a significant determinant between school culture, discipline of learning, and achievement motivation toward learning achievement of Tourism with double correlation coefficient equal to 0.539 and its contribution equal to 29.1% to learning achievement of Tourism class X SMK in Singaraja Town.



Keywords: school culture, achievement motivation, learning achievement Tourism

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