Impact of Field Experience on Pedagogical Competence of Economic Education Students


This study uses a quantitative approach with correlational methods. The technique used in data collection is questionnaire (questionnaire). Data analysis was done using simple regression test. The results of this study indicate the influence of the practice of field experience on the pedagogical potential of prospective students of the Economic Education Study Program of the Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University. The result of a simple linear regression equation is the Field Experience Practice of Pedagogical Competence, namely Ŷ = 12.627 + 0.81 X; the equation implies that if there is a change of one unit in the Field Experience Practice variable it will be followed by an average change of 0, 81 on the Pedagogical Compatibility variable. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the degree of relationship between X Variables (Field Experience Practices) and Y Variables (Pedagogic Compatibility) is 82.24%. This means that 82.24% of the variations that occur in variable Y can be explained by Variable X.



Keywords: practice field experience, pedagogic competency

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