The Effect of Perception of Justice Remuneration and Organizational Commitment Toward the Performance of Blu University in Inspectorate Region II


The implementation of Public Service Agency (BLU) governance in University is a form of bureaucratic reform in the public sector to improve education services for the public. To encourage performance leading to sound business practices, a remuneration reward system is implemented at BLU. Remuneration is expected to be able to improve the public reward sector that is currently considered not to prioritize the element of justice. Justice is a middle ground for a transactional relationship to last. Everyone tries to reach the point of justice, so that the perception of fairness of remuneration greatly influences the behavior of members of the organization. This study aims to prove whether the perception of distributive justice and procedural remuneration can improve the performance of PT BLU through organizational commitment. The results showed that the perception of justice was not able to increase the commitment of BLU employees. Respondents in this study still perceive that the remuneration system that is currently being developed has not fulfilled the elements of both distributive and procedural justice so that the system needs to continue to be developed to reach the point of justice for all employees within BLU University.



Keywords: perception, distributive justice, procedural, remuneration, commitment, performance

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