Youth Perception Toward Their Traditional Culinary: A Study of Minangkabau Culinary Brand Image


Based on our previous research, we found that young people in West Sumatra have a tendency to choose modern snacks over the traditional food based on its Brands and Packaging, even though they feel that traditional food was more appropriate to their taste. This study aims to analyze the influence of (1) Brand Perception, (2) Packaging Perception, and (3) Perceived Quality toward the Brand Image of Minangkabau culinary. The population of this study was the Minangkabau Youth in Padang, Padang Panjang, Payakumbuh, Bukittinggi, and Agam, with a sample size of 224 people. The sampling technique is Accidental, where we distribute questionnaires to consumers that happened to be found during the study. Data analysis was done using linear regression analysis. This study found that the independent variables affect Buying Interest simultaneously, but when tested individually, only Brand Perception and perceived product quality have a significant effect toward the buying interest. This study contributes to the traditional culinary marketing management for the younger generation in modern era.



Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Perception, Packaging Perception, Perceived Quality, Minangkabau traditional Culinary

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