Prokem Brand: Antecedents of Customers’ Buying Decision on Ayam Neraka


Brand is created to inspire a good image in the minds of consumers. But lately there has been an interesting trend, where a brand is created with a negative connotation, to which we have given the term Prokem Brand. Ayam Neraka is one of the famous Prokem Brand in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of Brand Equity, Promotion, and Reference Groups toward the Buying Decision of Ayam Neraka in Padang. The population of this study is all the Ayam Neraka Cafe consumers with a sample size of 80 people. The sampling technique is Accidental, where we distribute questionnaires to consumers that happened to be found during the study. Data analysis was done using linear regression analysis. This study found that, simultaneously, the independent variables significantly affect Buying Decisions. But from all three, Brand Equity and Reference Group are the only variables that significantly affect Ayam neraka consumers’ Buying Decisions. Based on this study, we then gave the name Prokem Brand to brands like Ayam Neraka, who have names with negative connotations, but paradoxically viewed as a good brand by a limited consumer, that is, the youth.



Keywords: Prokem Brand, Buying Decision, Brand Equity, Promotion, Reference Group

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