Panji Puppet Reinterpretation of Panji Culture in Java


Panji culture is a culture that is thought to have developed at the beginning of the arrival of Islam in the archipelago. The story of Panji as an oral literary work has existed in the Majapahit era in the 15th century (Munandar, 2014: XVII). This culture takes the background of the story of the Jenggala and Panjalu Kingdom era. The kingdoms of Jenggala and Panjalu constitute the division of the Airlangga kingdom into 2 parts (Coedes, 2010: 206). King Airlangga at the end of his reign in the 11th century divided his kingdom in two parts, namely the Jenggala kingdom in the East and the Panjalu kingdom in the West. The story of Panji tells the story of Pangeran Jenggala’s marriage to the daughter of Panjalu, which is probably related to the efforts to unite the two kingdoms at the literary level.

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