Factors of the Extinction of Traditional Knowledge in Minangkabau’s Rumah Gadang Carved


Rumah Gadang’s carved is one of art that lives in the walls of Minangkabau’s Rumah Gadang. That carved is inspired by the name of plant, animals, and things that are used in Minangkabaunese daily activity. Every carved has meaning as the traditional knowledge which reflects nature and Minangkabau people daily life. However, this art is nearly disappeared. It makes the existential of traditional knowledge of Rumah Gadang’s carved is extinct. The aim of this research is to analyze some factors that cause the extinction of traditional knowledge of Rumah Gadang’s carved. The method of this research is qualitative design. The informants are taken by purposive sampling and located in the center of the Minangkabau carved development zones such as Kabupaten Agam, Tanah Datar, and Lima Puluh Kota. The findings of this research show that the development of modern people’s views eliminates the value of a culture, so it is hard to protect. Furthermore, there are some commercial carved industries that produce the replica of Rumah Gadang’s carved without understanding the philosophy and the traditional knowledge of the carved. Moreover, the government’s efforts to conserve the culture value are not optimal. At last, the portion of law product from Local to National Government Regulations to guarantee the preservation of regional culture is small.



Keywords: factors of extinction, traditional knowledge, Minangkabau’s Rumah Gadang carved

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