Empowerment of Literary Works As a Medium of Learning BIPA


This article discusses the use of literary texts as a means of supporting Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. Literary texts serve as an additional supplement in Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. The use of literary texts in this BIPA study will add variations of Indonesian texts learned by BIPA learners. Literary texts are more complex than nonliterature text will also increase the proficiency Indonesia for foreign learners. The purpose of this article is (1) to describe the implications of the use of literary texts on BIPA learning, (2) to describe the superiority of the use of literary texts in BIPA learning, and (3) to identify literary texts appropriate for BIPA learning. This article discusses the use of literary texts as a means of supporting Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. Literary texts serve as an additional supplement in Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. The use of literary texts in this BIPA study will add variations of Indonesian texts learned by BIPA learners. Literary texts are more complex than non-literature text will also increase the proficiency Indonesia for foreign learners. The purposes of this article are (1) to describe the implications of the use of literary texts on BIPA learning, (2) to describe the superiority of the use of literary texts in BIPA learning, and (3) to identify literary texts appropriate for BIPA learning.



Keywords: literary texts, learning media, BIPA

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