Teaching Skills Development Using Lesson Study-based Instruction in Writing Classes


This research was resulted from the Lesson Study for Learning Community Program held in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. This study was a qualitative study which aimed at analyzing the teaching skills development of writing lecturers using lesson study in teaching writing skill to the students of ELSP in academic year 2016/2017. The teaching skills development included practical skills in designing lesson plans, deciding learning materials, teaching media, students’ worksheets, scoring rubric and post-tests, motivating students, managing the classroom, communicating ideas, assessing learning outcomes and reviewing information. This study was done in 3 cycles with 3 parallel sessions; plan, do and see. The research instruments used were observational sheets during each session and questionnaires. It was found that the teaching skills of lecturers of writing subject were developed. They could arrange lesson plans based on the chapter design and lesson design; chose interesting learning materials and teaching media; give suitable students’ worksheets and post-tests using scoring rubric to give opportunities for the students to think creatively and critically; implement an appropriate teaching technique to give chances for the students to work collaboratively and communicatively; manage classroom activities which were conducive to help the students get engaged during the instruction. This had caused the students more motivated in following the lessons and training their writing skill. This study provided empirical evidences about lesson study based instruction to evaluate educators’ teaching skills development in teaching writing.



Keywords: teaching skills development, writing skill, lesson study.

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