NHT Assisted LKS Based Visual Thinking: Emerging Critical Thinking Ability for Prospective Teacher


This study is classroom action research (PTK) conducted in 2 cycles. The study aims to improve students’ critical thinking ability of class II F PGSD UNY in the science education course, through the application of NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking. Instruments used in this study are the instruments of critical thinking ability, interviews, and NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking implementation instruments. The results showed that the implementation of NHT assisted LKS based visual thinking can improve students’ critical thinking ability. This is evidenced by the increase in the percentage of critical thinking ability in every cycle. In cycle I the percentage of critical thinking ability reached 69.5% with moderate category being increased in the second cycle reached 80.4% with high category. The students’ critical thinking ability improved significantly as well as the normalized gain test results from pretest (post-test = 0.11) and post-test (cycle 2 = 0.47) of 0.38 in the moderate category. In addition, the results of the study also showed an increase in the percentage of implementation NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking in the first cycle which reached 80.2% with good category increased in the second cycle reached 97.2% with very good category. This study is a classroom action research (PTK) conducted in 2 cycles. The study aims to improve students’ critical thinking ability of class II F PGSD UNY in the science education course, through the application of NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking. Instruments used in this study are the instruments of critical thinking ability, interviews, and NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking implementation instruments. The results showed that the implementation of NHT assisted LKS based visual thinking can improve students’ critical thinking ability. This is shown by the increase in the percentage of critical thinking ability in every cycle. In cycle I the percentage of critical thinking ability reached 69.5% with moderate category being increased in the second cycle reached 80.4% with high category. The students’ critical thinking ability improved significantly as well as the normalized gain test results from pretest (post-test = 0.11) and post-test (cycle 2 = 0.47) of 0.38 in the moderate category. In addition, the results of the study also showed an increase in the percentage of implementation NHT assisted LKS based on visual thinking in the first cycle which reached 80.2% with good category increased in the second cycle reached 97.2% with very good category.



Keywords: NHT, LKS, visual thinking, critical thinking

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