Organic Food Consumer’s Profile Based on Their Knowledge in Bandung


Consumption trends in relation to organic food have been increasing in several prefectures in Indonesia, including West Java. In 2010, the government of Indonesia established a program called Go Organic 2010. The purposes of the program were to support the development of organic food, as well as to initiate a healthy and green lifestyle. However, the program failed to achieve its goals. According to several research studies, the expensive certification process made the organic food price relatively high, so the potential market size was still narrow albeit with an increased demand. Apparently, most Indonesian consumers have insufficient knowledge of organic food, thus, their interest is relatively low. Therefore, this research is focused on finding out who buys organic food in Indonesia and how deep their knowledge is on it. Bandung, as the capital city of West Java, was chosen to conduct this research study because of the market growth of organic food. It has several local supermarkets that have relatively large sections for organic food. The questionnaires were distributed through both online and offline methods to consumers who bought organic food at the referenced supermarkets. It was found that the buyers who have sufficient knowledge and quite often purchase organic food are mostly young adult women, who are either single or married with children and who have a medium to high level of income. However, other consumers who had insufficient knowledge about organic food also bought it. Even though they do not know much about its attributes, they acknowledge its benefits only for their health, but not for the environment.



Keywords: organic food, consumers’ profile, consumers’ knowledge

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