Consumer Innovativeness: Literature Review and Measurement Scales


Consumer innovativeness is the degree to which the innovative is received independently. Innovativeness is also defined as the degree to which individuals (other adoption units) adopt new ideas faster than other members in a system. The aims of this article are to provide the literature reviews of consumer innovativeness concepts along with the measurement scales. The term consumer innovativeness is very diverse, depending on the research contexts. Consumer innovativeness is adopted on online shopping behaviours, eco-innovative adoptions, eco-friendly consumer behaviour, pro-environmental behaviour, etc. The level of consumer innovativeness concept is differentiated into two levels; general and specific level. General level of innovativeness includes global innovativeness and innate innovativeness. Specific level is known as domain-specific innovativeness. The different concepts and terms cause differences in the measurement. This article also examines innovativeness in individual and organizational unit analysis. Various definitions of innovativeness with diverse views are presented.



Keywords: Consumer innovativeness, global innovativeness, domain-specific innovativeness, measurements

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