Homicide by Wife in the Context of Domestic Violence: (Case Studies of Convicted 4 Female Perpetrators in Woman Prisons, Bandung, Indonesian)


This dissertation begins with the belief of Author that women who commit murder in the context of domestic violence, is also the victim. This is evidenced from the experience of 4 (four) informants, who are in Bandung woman prison, using a qualitative approach, this feminist research analyzed from three sides, namely: structure, culture and processes. Elaboration of that approach by combining the view and the Radical Feminist Theory of Bourdieu. Radical feminists as an umbrella magnitude in this study, discusses the patriarchal society and sexuality. While Bourdieu’s theory (the concept of habitus, field (space) and the composition of capital) is for an explanation of the empirical level. Analysis experience of 4 (four) womens show that they are victims of domestic violence, although legally, they are the perpetrators. Domestic violence (victimization) that they had experience, demonstrated radical feminists because of the patriarchal society, where she has higher position than her husband, in the family. Victimization occurs because of the domination. The types of domination occur, which is determined based on the theory of Bourdieu. The result is: Matrix of Domination and Capital Typology, which consists of fully-dominated-fully-capital; partially-dominated fully capital; partially-dominated non-capital; Non-Dominated Non-Capital; and Dominated - Capital Irrational. The typical findings here are a form of Irrational Capital Dominated. This dominance occurs on informants who have positions are not in the area to be dominated, because of the ownership of capital that she owned, but in certain situations, she continues to be dominated (patriarchal society). This strong standing position due to the way out that she is chosen, which she has another couple. Women who commit murder, in the context of domestic violence in the juridical indeed are guilty by the court verdict. But their experience shows that they are victims of domestic violence. Therefore, Crimes committed by women is a typical crime, where the actors are as well as victims of crime. Although they are punished, but we expected the punishment in different form, such as rehabilitation or social worker.



Keywords: murder, perpetrator and victim, patriarchy, domination, victimization

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