Developing Competitiveness at Cimahi Telematics Creative Industry Based on Relational Economy


Improving creative economy is very important for a nation. Bandung City for example, has increased creative industry to construct competitive business climate [42]. Developing telematics creative industry at Cimahi City done to enhance region competitiveness and society welfare through community of practice is called Cimahi Creative Association (CCA) [37]. This research use framework: the relational economy from Bathelt & Gluckler (2011). The novelty of this research is used the relational economy theory to explain development of telematics creative industry. In order to develop competitiveness for Cimahi telematics creative industry use intellectual instrument that is human activity systems in the form of root definition and then create conceptual models for research interest with eight dimension of relational economy that are: organization, evolution, innovation, interaction, knowledge, geographic market, cluster, and institution. These eight dimensions of relational economy are improvement from four dimensions of relational economy from Bathelt & Gluckler (2011). There are three conceptual models of problem solving interest: Cimahi telematics creative industry, developing relational economy: Cimahi creative industries, Cimahi Creative Associations as hybrid organization. Intellectual instrument such as conceptual models used for comparison stage and formulate recommendation for research result that is at the five and six stage in using soft systems methodology. Refer to norms of soft systems methodology; comparison and debating process to research interest involve soft systems methodology practitioner, academic advisor and academic reviewers. While for problem solving interest involve stakeholders at three level institutions of Cimahi telematics creative industry and soft systems methodology practitioner. Economic processes as ‘relational’ because economic action is social action. Individual preferences, norms, values, ethics, tastes, styles, needs, and objectives emerge from and are co-constituted through the social embedding of economic action and interaction. Implication relational economy framework contains contextuality, path dependency and contingency. Dimensions of relational economy such as organization, evolution, innovation, interaction, knowledge, geographic market, cluster, institution look into economy action embedded at social relation structure and alignment with institutional structure and relevant social reality. Using relational framework is suitable and relevant with developing competitiveness for Cimahi telematics creative industry.



Keywords: relational economy, eight dimensions: organization, evolution, innovation, interaction, knowledge, geographic market, cluster, institutions, spatial and relational perspective: contextuality, path dependency, contingency, telematics creative industry, Soft Systems Methodology.

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