The Model of Public Economic Autonomy As One of Empowerment Concepts for the Women of the Human Trafficking Victims


Recently, the criminal activities of human trafficking have been defined in rule of law. It has clear umbrella of law, so the process of law enforcement can be optimal. In general, the human trafficking frequently occurs in human exploitation. In this case, the victims are forced to work hard in bad situations and improper salary. The types of the exploitation cover woman sexual industry, servitude, taking inside human organ. As a whole, it can be called as slavery. The problem is how far the role of the government policy in preventing the victims of human trafficking in Cianjur regency and what concept model applied to create the public economic autonomy as one of empowerment concepts for women of human trafficking victims in Cianjur regency. This study applied juridical normative approach especially the descriptive analysis. In this case, it employed the primer and secondary data of law and then the data were analyzed without using numbers statistically. The findings show that Cianjur regency has implemented an alternative model concept in preventing the victims of human trafficking by applying the regulation and policy of the local government. It has been carried out through empowerment of public economy by giving some helps either in strengthening the finance or conducting some skill trainings to the victims. The program of the strengthening was carried out by the government of Cianjur and the stakeholders, through provision of estimates covering the estimates of income and budget in local, province, and central.



Keywords: human trafficking, victims, government policy, economic empowerment.

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