Religious Tolerance Values Among Students of Christian Senior High Schools


From the colonial to reformation era, conflict has characterized inter-religious groups’ relationships in Indonesia both at the local level and national levels. Studies have shown intolerance among inter-religious groups. However, none of the studies has examined how the role of significant others in shaping religious values. Data for this paper comes from a larger study that surveyed students of Christian senior high schools throughout the country. It examined the roles of their fathers and mothers in developing values of tolerance to people with different faiths. Tolerance is measured in several types of relationships from very general to more personal. Analysis of this study is framed by Ajzen and Fishbein’s model. They claim that motivation to interact with individuals with different faith is influenced by knowledge and attitude toward the issue. Findings show that Ajzen and Fishbein’s model is true especially in intimate interactions. Students’ motivation to getting engaged and marrying with person with different faith is influenced by their knowledge on it as well as their attitudes to that behavior.



Keywords: knowledge, attitude, motivation, practice

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