Local Wisdom and Construction of Inclusion Community: Learning from Disability People Named Kolok in Bali


People with disabilities are part of a community that have same right and live together with others. Inclusion condition is influenced by several factors, especially: community participation, interpersonal relationships and social capital that can provide reciprocity to the community living, especially those on disability. There are 43 people with disabilities live in the Bengkala Village called as the ”Kolok” people. They live inclusively with others, most of Bengkala people understand and use kolok people language to communicate with kolok. Although, the language of the kolok people is simple, but easily to be understood by the Bengkala inhabitant. This paper focuses on identifying the role of stakeholders in creating an inclusive life in Bengkala Village. In the other hand, will also be analyzed more deeply about the local wisdom that sustains life on the kolok people inclusively based on the existing social capital in Bengkala village, Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia.



Keywords: social inclusion, social capital, local wisdom, kolok, stakeholder’s role

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