The Role of Tour Guides as Brokers in Tourism Industry (The Importance of Communication Capital in Shaping Structural Holes in Communication Network)


Tour guides as intermediaries or brokers in tourism industry, play important role in controlling the flow of information, forming structural holes in communication network. Thus a guide has to maximize his capital potentials, either those he possesses or those that he does not, especially communication capital. This paper is aimed at understanding the effect of utilizing the communication capital in order to form structural holes in communication network. This causal relationship will be developed into a new model of analysis of various concepts of capitals as elements forming communication capital, as well as its influence to structural hole theory. The data are obtained by conducting literature review of communication network analysis frameworks. It is concluded in a path analysis model which put financial capital, human capital, social capital, and communication capital as exogenous variables affecting the structural hole as endogenous variable. This model will help tour guides to manage information of tourism products in structural holes. However, this model should be examined deeper in the next researches.



Keywords: intermediaries, tourism industry, structural hole, communication network, communication capital

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