Ineffectiveness of Sentences in Bilingual Books in Children’s Literature


In the era of the ASEAN Economic Community, children are now required to have linguistic cognitive abilities, either in the first language, the second language, or a foreign language, such as English. Therefore, children need literature works as the introduction. The children’s literature in question is a bilingual book. Thus, authors of children’s bilingual literature not only need to act appropriately in choosing a translation strategy for a text but also to be able to write it effectively. In fact, the translation is inseparable from the rules of the effectiveness of sentences and the cultural context of the target language. According to the results of the study, children’s literature of archipelago fairy-tale series that in the form of bilingual books still contained ineffective sentences in their translation. This ineffectiveness includes grammatical, clarity, unity, and coherence aspects.



Keywords: bilingual book, children’s literature, ineffectiveness of sentences

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