The Relevance of Women’s Social Issues Compared with Social Reality in Indonesia inthe Short Story “Morgot” By Triyanto Triwikromo


One of the short story collections that discuss women’s social issues is Malam Sepasang Lampion and Salah satu cerpen yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen tersebut adalah cerpen Morgot. one of the stories in this collection is a short story entitled “Morgot.” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan permasalahan sosial perempuan k ategori kejahatan dalam cerpen M orgot, (2) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan car a tokoh perempuan dalam cerpen M orgot dalam menghadapi permasalahan sosial, (3) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan relevansi permasalahan sosial perempuan dalam kumpulan cerpen Morgot dengan realitas sosial. This study aims to describe and explain (1) women’s social issues related to crime, (2) the way in which the female character deals’ with social issues, and (3) the relevance of women’s social issues compared with social reality in the short story “Morgot.”



Keywords: relevance, social issues, the short story “Morgot”

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