Strategy of Speech and Implementation of Principle of Decency on Social Media As a Medium to Maintain Diversity of Multicultural Society in the Republic of Indonesia


The aims of this research are: (1) to examine how the strategy of speech is used in a humorous context on social media to maintain the diversity of multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia; (2) to explore how the implementation of the principle of decency is used to maintain the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia; and (3) to investigate the function of speech and decency in developing the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia. A qualitative descriptive method was used in the research with a pragmatic approach. The data were taken from social media and the technique used for analysis was a flow technique from the beginning up to the end concluding with a deductive technique. The results of the discussion are as follows: (1) the speech strategy used in a humorous context on social media consisted of locution speech, illocution speech, and perlocution speech as the media to maintain the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia; (2) the implementation of the principle of decency in a humorous context on social media used indirect speech as the medium to maintain the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia; (3) the strategy function and decency consisted of an assuring function, educating, uniting, and entertaining contextually to maintain the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the strategy of decent humorous speech in communicating on social media can become a medium for maintaining the diversity of the multicultural society in the Republic of Indonesia.


Keywords: humor, social media, speech

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