Misleading Reasoning in Teachers’ Speech in the Learning Context


The purpose of this research was (1) to describe the various forms of misleading reasoning and (2) to explain the factors causing misleading reasoning in teachers’ speech in the learning at SMP in Malang. The approach used was qualitative phenomenology. The research data were in the form of sentences, fragments, and oral discourses of teachers in the context of Indonesian language learning, science, social studies, and mathematics in two junior high schools and two private junior high schools in Malang, recorded in the form of video. The results of this study indicated that: (1) misleading reasoning in teachers’ speech in the learning at junior high schools occurred at the level of sentences and fragments. The fallacies were in the form of generalizations, analogies, and inappropriate syllogisms; (2) the factors causing misleading reasoning in the teachers’ speech were the absence of supporting fact propositions, the relationship between supporting premises and incoherent propositions, and the withdrawal of inappropriate conclusions.


Keywords: learning, misleading reasoning, teachers’ speech

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