Representation of Locality in Osing Literature in the Novel Agul-agul Blambangan: A Description of Patriotism in Osing Society


Agul-Agul Blambangan by Moch Syaiful is a historical novel that describes the struggle against and attack on the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC). This research’s aims are to describe (1) intrinsic elements, (2) the way, instrument, and strategy of war, and (3) values of patriotism. The data was collected through the observation method with the technique of record, and analysis was conducted using the interpretation method. The results indicate that: (1) Intrinsically, the literature’s theme is the struggle against the Dutch due to oppression and blackmail. The main characters, Agung Wilis and Mas Rempeg, are simple and popular; conflicts occur between Blambangan warriors and the Dutch colonists and fellow conflicts; the setting is in Blambangan and royal villages; (2) To be a soldier, one is required to have strength and knowledge; be ready to support the motherland using spears, heirlooms, and arrows as weapons with a distinctive strategy; and (3) Patriotic values include the value of the fighter, the colonial mark, the seizure of the fort, and the nature of a soldier.



Keywords: locality in Osing literature, patriot, representation

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