The Oral Tradition of Petik Laut Banyuwangi Revitalization of Tradition and Local-Global Political Space


This article aims to explain the oral tradition of sea rites in Banyuwangi as an effort to conserve and revitalize the tradition in local-global politics. The study of critical hybridity—a concept in which every cultural process contains cross-territory interaction and mixture—can explain how local-foreign interacts. In the varied crossculture expressions, seizures of local, national, and global interests take part and interact with each other dynamically to be articulated in education and culture. The cross-territory cultural identity is reflected through modification of art and construction. The results showed that the tradition of sea rites forms a mixture of Osing, Madurese, and Islamic cultures. These rites are an expression of the gratitude of fishermen for the right to marine resources as the source of their lives. The placement of this cultural event in the Calendar of Banyuwangi Festival is an effort to introduce the local culture of Banyuwangi to the international community.



Keywords: hybridity, local-global, oral tradition, revitalization

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