Women position in marriage: Finding gender relations in novel Indonesia Period of balai pustaka, period of 66, and period of the 70s


This study aims to describe and to see the development of women’s position in the marriage presented in the Indonesian novels: the period of Balai Pustaka (BP), the period of 66, and the period of the 70s. The data sources of this research were novel of Azab dan Sengsara (period of BP), Pada Sebuah Kapal (the period of 66), as well as Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Lintang Kemukus Dini Hari, and Jantera Bianglala (the period of the 70s). The approach used was complementary feminism (Islamic feminism) using ideological feminist literary criticism. The research method used was a descriptive method. With content analysis technique, the results show the following. First, in marriage, the female characters in the novels were positioned asymmetrically: inferior wives-superior husbands, serving wives-husbands served, wife owned-husbands possess. Second, although women’s position did not change, the ”desire” of women in marriage is fluctuating. In the BP period, women desire to be wives who dedicate their lives to serving their husbands in total. In the period of 66, women wished to achieve happiness by breaking through the domestic boundaries of ”hers”. In contrast, in the 70s, women aspired to be ”women” to one man.



Keywords: complementary feminism, gender relations, women’s position

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