Communication Verbal and Nonverbal Students Migrant at Bengkulu University


The purpose of this study is to understand the cultural shock in the language aspect experienced by the students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program when speaking in Indonesian in front of the class, both in verbal and nonverbal communication. A descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. The subject of this research is students from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program who come from the region of Bengkulu province and whose parents work as farmers, artisans, traders, or laborers. The technique used for selecting informants was purposive sampling. Data were collected with the use of observation and interview techniques. Data obtained from the interviews with students were analyzed through data collection steps, data processing, data analysis, and conclusions. The findings of the study indicate that foreign students who speak Indonesian experience a cultural shock regarding the language aspect, both in verbal and nonverbal communication, when speaking in front of the class using the Indonesian language.



Keywords: cultural shock, migrant students, nonverbal communication, verbal communication

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