Behavioristic Theory and Its Application in the Learning of Speech


The objective of this research was to test the application of Thorndike and Skinner's behavioristic learning theory, particularly in storytelling learning. The points studied were the law of readiness, the law of exercise, and the law of effect in storytelling learning in SMP 19 Surakarta. The approach employed was a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of the research were a class of 7B graders, consisting of 32 students. Data was collected via questionnaires, interviews, and observation during the learning process. The object of research was speech learning, particularly storytelling. Data was analysed using an interactive model encompassing (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and (4) conclusion drawing. This study concludes that the application of the law of readiness, law of exercise, and law of effect developed by Thorndike and Skinner effectively improved the speaking skills of students in SMP 19 Surakarta.



Keywords: behavioristic, consequential law, practice law, readiness, speaking

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