The Attitudes of Junior High School Students Towards Indonesia Language


Aims of the research are to ascertain: (1) the belief and knowledge of Junior High School students towards Bahasa Indonesia; (2) the assessment of Junior High School students towards Bahasa Indonesia; and (3) the trend of Junior High School Students in acting by using Bahasa Indonesia. The research samples were 120 students of public Junior High School in Surakarta with closed questionnaire. The validity of instrument applied to construct and empirical validity by doing the estimate applying the formula of Product Moment Correlation whereas the reliability of the instrument was assessed by using the calculation of Alpha. Data analysis was conducted descriptively through the following steps of (1) coding the data; (2) tabulating data to calculate the frequency of the answers; (3) calculating the percentage of each answer; and (4) interpreting or giving meaning. It can be concluded that students of Junior high School: 1) have positive belief towards Bahasa Indonesia, 2) have positive assessment towards Bahasa Indonesia, and 3) have a tendency to take positive action by using Bahasa Indonesia.


Keywords: attitudes, junior high school, the assessment, the trend

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