Application of Clustering Techniques Based on the Balance of Brain Functions in Learning Writing Narration in Ponorogo Elementary School


Writing is communicating thoughts and ideas. The objective of the study was to describe the use of clustering techniques. The application of clustering techniques is supported by a balanced brain activation combined with a guiding question. This research was conducted at Elementray School (SDN) 2 Tonatan Kabupaten Ponorogo. Students are 29 people, held for 2 months. The research method used is action research. The writer uses observation, interview, document analysis, and composition tests for data collection. The analytical techniques used are interactive analysis and comparative descriptive. The results showed that clustering techniques based on balancing brain function can improve the level of students’ narrative writing, which is illustrated in the mastery percentage progress in every cycle. Cycle 1 is 34%, cycle 2 is 48%, and cycle 3 is 83%. It is also illustrated that there is progress in every aspect of narrative writing.



Keywords: balancing brain function, clustering technique, learning, writing narrative

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