The Effect of Constructive Imaginative Mind Maps, Vee Maps, and Concept Maps on Students’ Attitude and Ability to Write Short Stories at Senior High School (SMAN) 13 Palembang


This study aimed to determine the effect of constructive imaginative mind maps, vee maps, and concept maps on students’ attitude and ability to write short stories at SMA 13 Palembang. The research method used was an experimental design. The population of this study was all students of the XI grade at SMA Negeri 13 Palembang. The sample consisted of three classes, namely XI grade MIA 2 with 38 students, XI grade MIA 3 with 36 students, and 32 students from XI grade MIA 4. The instruments used to collect data were tests of short story writing skills and attitude questionnaires using the Likert scale. A one-way Anova test was used to analyze short story data and Mancova was used to analyze the students’ attitudinal data. The results showed that the students’ scores and attitudes with the use of constructive imaginative mind maps in learning to write short stories were higher than with the use of vee maps and concept maps. The implication of this research is that Indonesian teachers can use constructive imaginative mind maps to improve students’ writing skills and attitude.


Keywords: concept map, constructive imaginative, mind mapping, students’ attitude, vee map, writing short stories

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