The Development of A Website-Based Literature Module On Bahasa And Sastra Indonesia Subject XI Grade Senior High School


The purposes of this study were to generate a valid and practical website-based literature module to determine the effects of a web-based literature module on the affective and cognitive aspects of students. This research used developmental research on XI grade students from the Senior High School of STATE HIGH SCHOOL Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy). Data were collected through observation to determine the needs and activities of students during the use of the web-based module. Interviews and questionnaires were used to discover students’ attitudes toward the use of the module. In addition, tests were also conducted to determine cognitive aspects of students while using the module. The results and conclusions of this research were: 1) generating a website-based literature module is categorized as valid based on the validation test by the validator in terms of content and construct; 2) generating a website-based literature module is categorized as practical based on the results of tests and questionnaires; 3) students were involved in active learning that used a website-based literature module; and 4) the web-based module developed had a potential effect on students’ learning outcomes.


Keywords: development, modules, website

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