The Effectiveness of Module and Compact Disc Poem Teaching Based on Local Wisdom


The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of designed material. It was necessary to test the product in class using a field test by applying a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest model. Data were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative methods. The results showed that the scores increased that were the lowest values of the pretest and posttest, which were respectively 26 and 46 whilst the highest values of the pretest and posttest were respectively 80 and 100, an increase of 20 points. Thus, it can be concluded that the instructional materials produced in this research were effective in accordance with the needs in the field, the expectations conveyed by learners based on the test results of practicality, and a potential effect based on field test results.


Keywords: local wisdom, module and compact disc, poem teaching materials, research and development

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