Writing Dulmuluk Script in Siti Zubaidah Version: Defense Efforts of Dulmuluk in the Global Era


The aim of this research and development was to develop Dulmuluk script with the version of Syair Siti Zubaidah. The results of this study were to contribute to local cultural heritage for the younger generation. The procedure of this research and development was adapted from D. Gall, Jolly, and Bolitho, and Tessmer theory. The result of this research was the script of the Dulmuluk version of Syair Siti Zubaidah. This drama script was transformed from an old literary manuscript of Syair Siti Zubaidah with attention to the needs analysis and convention of drama script writing and revitalization model performances by reconciling conventional performances of traditional Dulmuluk with the management of modern theater.


Keywords: defense, dulmuluk, writing script

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